We understand that sometimes returns are sometimes necessary. Because of this, we offer an easy return policy. Please read through our return policy, fill out the information below, and include this page along AND the order packing slip to avoid delays on processing your return.
- KNLZ Designs’s return policy is for store credit only.
- Shipping charges are non-refundable.
- Items are eligible for return if they are received back within 14 days of the original purchase date.
- If your items are returned after than the 14-day allotted time or have been damaged, your items are not eligible for return. Please do not attempt to return items that do not qualify.
When your return has been received and processed, you will receive an email with your store credit information to purchase any exchanges. Store credits will not be issued until your return is received.
Please contact KNLZ Designs at if you have any questions regarding our return policy.
KNLZ Designs Order #:
Returns Date of purchase: Email:
Return Address:
24519 412th Ave
Mitchell, SD 57301